The course will provide an overview of the requirements that apply to small and medium systems, including: monitoring and reporting, corrosion control, source water, public education and lead service line replacement.

About the Presenter
Edward Viveiros is an environmental engineer in EPA’s Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water. He supports the Drinking Water Protection Branch as an implementation lead on the Lead and Copper Rule and a supporting lead on the Radionuclides Rule. Prior to joining EPA, he was a consultant with Eastern Research Group, where he provided analytical support to the Agency in the areas of wastewater management and chemical policy. He holds Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in chemical engineering from Northeastern University.

This presentation is designed to improve the knowledge base of NRWA members relative to the TMDL Program. This hour long webinar training program will describe basic elements of the TMDL program, discuss how the elements relate to other parts of the Clean Water Act specifically designated uses, water quality criteria and NPDES permits. We will also present information on modeling problems/limitations, some recent and relevant court cases, and the TMDL's potential economic impacts to small and rural communities.

Bill Kramer

Educational Outcomes
* Knowledge of the basic elements of the TMDL Program.
* Understanding of how elements of TMDL relate to the Clean Water Act
* Knowlede of modeling, limitations and relevant court cases
* Understanding of the impact of TMDL on rural and small communities

The EPA's Mike Finn and Ed Moriarty discuss the Ground Water Rule (GWR) which establishes a risk-targeting approach to identify Ground Water Systems (GWSs) that may pose a risk of exposure to microbial pathogens to customers.

Mike Finn and Ed Moriarty, EPA

Educational Outcomes
* Knowledge of the GWR
* Understanding of the GWR and it's risk-targeting approach
* Understanding of the impace of the GWR

This presentation was made before implementation of the RTCR and information may have changed.

Engineer Ed Thomas provides an overview of the recently published Revised Total Coliform Proposed Rule. The revised rule is more protective of public health and allows water utilities to find and correct a deficiency that could lead to contamination. 

Educational Outcomes
* Knowledge of the Total Coliform Rule.
* Understanding of the impact of the TCR.